Maranatha PA features the music of two Pennsylvania bands: Grace and New Covenant, both of which have a cutting-edge homemade male/female Jesus rock sound. Grace is the heavier of the two, opening with a powerful hard-hitting track ‘Lamentations’, complete with loud guitar solo. ‘Agape Love’ and ‘Undecided’ follow in a classic country folkrock style. New Covenant has some excellent moments as well, especially ‘Sinner Come On Home’ which reminds me some of Rainbow Promise with its rural rock edge. The remaining half of the album features some very nice solo folk and acoustic rock. Whether these are individual members of the bands or other folks from their fellowship isn’t clear. ‘The Answer’, ‘Bless The Lord’, ‘Make Love Your Aim’ and ‘Jesus Loves You’ (not the kids song) are all strong tracks of the female folksinger variety, while the dreamy ‘Joy In The Morning’ strikes a mood reminiscent of Dennis Ryder. Closes with everybody singing Karen Lafferty’s ‘Seek Ye First’ a cappella. Back cover photo collage reveals a few longhaired radicals in the bunch.