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    Главная » Файлы » Иностранная музыка » Classic Rock/Pop/Folk (70-80 годы)

    Ken Scott - Angela (1974)

    02.03.2009, 16:21

    No, it’s not me but a British acoustic singer/songwriter that just happens to share my name - so don’t accuse me of patting my own back when I recommend this album. Like early Mark Heard, Dennis Ryder, Dave Mattson and the like, Ken’s another one of those simple and gentle folksingers whose music is warm and appealing. String quartet backs the sorrowful ‘Surrender’ while soft organ accompanies the title track (a poem written to his daughter). Bass and drums build some folkrock edges around ‘Do You Want To Know’ and ‘How Can You Prove’. For purely acoustic moods, check out ‘Don’t Be Wise’ and the delicate ballad ‘As I’m Singing To You’. One instance of brass, one of steel guitar (the country folk ‘I’ve Tried’), plus some touches of organ, bongos and electric guitar in spots, but the focus is primarily Ken and his acoustic guitar in Appalachian Melody fashion. Fine album, beautiful cover, collectible label. Nice name, too.

    Категория: Classic Rock/Pop/Folk (70-80 годы) | Добавил: danny | Кнопка:
    Просмотров: 856 | Загрузок: 3 | Рейтинг: 3.0/150 |
    Всего комментариев: 0

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